Friday 18 May 2007


The city died at 12:53 pm. All that is left now is a slight, sudden fragrance of life. The white palaces speak of unnamed phantoms at midnight, spirits that burst into light at dawn and inflame the air with urgency. As you walk, dust spirals into the air and envelops you in a mist. The city itself is a haze. A gash of a soapy hand across a mirror. The mind recalls certain curious elements of prosperity and fellowship. This card-castle crumbled in one deft movement of a finger. The dead mingle here with natural curiosity. It is in the wasteful pirsuit of happy memories that they gather in loose celebration here. The streets are fading fast from vision. Ruins amass on the shoulders of naked sculptures. The insects are moving away into the light, while the city plunges further into darkness with the burden of death. Death. Death, like the masterful swerve of a baton. Death, like an explosion of birds into the sky. Death, like a spinning, dancing dervish. Death speaks through the trees here, a wonderful, kind language. It speaks of wisdom and life. It speaks of decay. This is a city where you once lived. There is silence and a self-concious restraint in the walls and shattered glass now. This is in your memory. There is a growing gravity. A spreading quicksand. The dead are reclaiming what's their's. I think I will stay here one more night and see what happens.


LostLittleGirl said...

Beri beri nice.. truly fitting piece of work from a Bong boy :)
I just took away your virginity on Blogspot...hehehehe

SwB said...

LoL @ lostlittlegirl!

I'm not trying to flatter you, but you are quite brilliant!

Cheers mate!

Sayak said...

To lostlittlegirl: Um... Thank you? Hehehehehehe!! I am bheri bheri happy you like eet.

To saltwater blues: Thank you very much. 'tis nice to be appreciated.

Prerona said...

really very nice! came here fom lost little girl's blog.

wrt: "not that Cohen was a phenomenal SONGwriter, he was a lyricist of godlike abilities" ... whats the difference? just asking

Sayak said...

Well... see SONGwriting is different from writing words/poetry/lyrics or from just composing music. Writing a song is an art. A good songwriter gets the perfect lyrics to go with the perfect music. His/her music will be beautiful, appealing, it'll make you FEEL. And the words will be perfect, well-chosen, introspective and expressive. The music should fit the mood of the lyrics in perfect tandem. And both the lyrics and music should be wonderful. It isn't necessary that the lyrics should be literature... that's not what a song is about. If you want to give greater importance to lyrics, you might as well write poetry (which Cohen did). If you want to stress on the music you might as well just do an instrumental. The great songwriters in history have been able to balance both out... write beautiful lyrics and create wonderful tunes and put both together wonderfully.

LostLittleGirl said...

So hello! Aren't you paying me any royalties? All these guys came here from my blog..we should meet and discuss cut-offs no? :)

Prerona said...

i appreciate your point. the argue-er in me wants to argue just for the sake of it, but I wont.

By the way, loved "gash of a soapy hand across a mirror". Very original. I too have been wondering about ambitions. More along the lines of just how did childhood and early youth come up with such unrealistics fantasies. lol. and growing up takes it away, but not completely. somewhere deep inside you there is a hunger still left (i was writing about this in my second last post) which will not go away. OR be satisfied. it's like a yearning to one particular thing - but you cant figure out exactly what.

life_as_a_box said...

Damn nice stuff yak!! D'you realise the common theme running through this and The Burden?? And the last line is phenomenal...and errr....lostlittlegirrl just took away your virginity on Blogspot....:) :p

Prerona said...

waiting for your next post ...

Sayak said...

To bash: Oi! Yeah you're right! I didn't even realise it. Well.. if you can use it, put some of it in the screenplay.

To ricercar: Yeah, the thing is I'm in Kuwait right now and the laptop I'm using here is an ancient piece of junk which doesn't allow me to take my time to write stuff I want. But I shall post soon enough.

To lostlittlegirl: Quit having weird cybernetic fantasies about me!